starcraft terran build orders

There are many strategies that you can use and follow in starcraft 2.  Starcraft terran build orders can be modified depending on your specific goal, but there are basic orders that you can follow especially if you are just starting with the game. Although there are many starcraft 2 races that you can choose from, terran is  considered the best if you are just starting with the game .So here is a basic strategy that you can easily do for your next game and surprise your enemies!

Surprise them with a Reaper Rush

Terran’s jetpack loaded infantry unit called Reaper has been a great addition to the terran forces lineup. Reapers are known to be very fast, light damage dealer, level 1 unit, they can kill a worker in 3 fast shots and can go into the mineral line of the enemy. A good twist in the usual order is to make a barracks and refinery, and then attach a tech lab to it and get a reaper as soon as possible before building your 1st supply depot.
The main goal of a reaper rush is to do as much damage as possible to the opponent’s economy early in the game. If you are playing in a low to mid-level game you can gather Reapers in groups of 2 to 3 before attacking. But if you are playing against high level opponents who can easily detect a Reaper rush, then what you need to do is to send your first Reaper to attack once it came out of the Barracks.

Tier 1 melee units are technically overpowered by Reapers, with good micro management, Reapers can kite those melee forces while taking some shots at them. This may not however be as effective if you are against some Speedlings and Zerglings, they can really catch up and quickly surround Reapers. In any case, the ability of Reapers to jump up and down the cliffs, with their long survivability and ability to harass is what makes them hard to beat.

The obnoxious feeling that these kinds of attack gives to the enemy before they can even create a single line of defense is what made it known as the “Terran 6 pool”. But Reaper rushes, just like the Zergling rush can be properly defended too if the opponent was able to scout beforehand and be able to make some preparations early.

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